4th of July Parade Videos
Our club joined the Placer County GOP in decorating the floats and riding in the Lincoln 4th of Juky Parade. The reaction was overwhlemingly positive throughout the parade route. Thanks to all who came out to support the Placer GOP. Enjoy the video taken by club members Victor Jew and Dan Catania.
Golf Cart Parade
September 10th
On September 10th a group of approximately 40 of our members turned out to support Kevin Kiley, Joe Patterson and President Trump. The Golf Cart Parade drove all around Sun City and some additional supporters waved flags, signs and banners at the intersection of Sun City and Del Webb. The groups were well received and a good time was had by all.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
---Thomas Jefferson, 1816
Vote Republican November 3, 2026