Wednesday, February 12th
Speaker Meeting
Guest Speaker: Jesse Petrilla.
Presentation Hall KS
Doors open at 6:00 pm, and the program starts at 6:30 pm—coffee and cookies to follow.
Jesse Petrilla
Former Army Captain Jesse Petrilla has traveled worldwide on fact-finding missions, researching the mindset of the jihadists and the policies that enable them. These places include Jordan, Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Israel (including the West Bank), Egypt, England, France, the Netherlands, and elsewhere, meeting with members of parliament, mayors, and everyday citizens. He has served as a civilian advisor to the U.S. Department of State, and was a Liaison Officer in the Army to the Afghan secret police, facilitating the interrogations of over 400 captured Taliban and Al-Qaeda members. Jesse has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Newsmax and other media on numerous occasions, and has published articles in FrontPage Magazine, The Blaze, Breitbart, and other publications.
Jesse is a local businessman, Placer County GOP Central Committee Member, and Author. His newly released book, “If It Takes a Thousand Years: From Al-Qaeda to Hamas, How the Jihadists Think & How to Defeat Them" is a Best Seller (Rating 4.7/5.0) His presentation is gripping with accounts of firsthand interviews with some of the world’s most sinister terrorists. You won't want to miss this!
NEW! Immigration Bureaucrats
These are the worst of the worst that Trump needs to fire on day one.
New! Links to Photos and Videos
The club has many photos and videos of meetings and events. Take a look.
NEW! The format for Speaker meetings now include a Social Hour
After a successful trial run, we have decided to continue the new format for the Speaker Meetings, which will include the speaker followed by a Social Hour. The meeting time has not changed; doors open at 6:00, speaker at 6:30. The speaker will conclude by 7:30 at which time we will adjourn to the Placer Room (Kitchen) for light refreshments. You will have time to meet the speaker and socialize with the other members.
New Member Welcome Letter
Membership Outreach
We are excited that Joan Kippert and Michelle Kubo will be heading up a new effort to enhance our member experience and expand the outreach of our club. They are creative, energetic, friendly and quite the two lovely ladies! Please share any ideas or suggestions with them.
Joan Kippert
Michelle Kubo
Membership Information
There are two types of Membership. One is a Regular Membership for registered Republicans who are residents of Sun City Lincoln Hills.
The other is an Associate Membership which is open to persons:
1. who are registered Republicans who are not residents of Lincoln Hills, but live in Placer County and meet all other requirements for membership,
who are registered No Party Preference (NPP) but live in Placer County, including Sun City Lincoln Hills, and meet all other requirements for membership. The Associate member is entitled to all of the rights and privileges of regular membership except that Associate Members may not vote for club Officers or Directors and may serve on, but not chair any committees.
Dues are $15.00 per person per calendar year.
Please complete the appropriate application and return it with your check.
Send your application and check payable to:
Membership Chairman
577 Northfield Lane
Lincoln, CA 95648
"But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever".
John Adams, letter to Abigail Adams, July 17, 1775.
Vote Republican November 3, 2026